Canto 11: General HistoryChapter 6: The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhāsa

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 11.6.23

avatīrya yador vaḿśe

bibhrad rūpam anuttamam

karmāṇy uddāma-vṛttāni

hitāya jagato 'kṛthāḥ


avatīrya — descending; yadoḥ — of King Yadu; vaḿśe — into the dynasty; bibhrat — bearing; rūpama transcendental form; anuttamam — unexcelled; karmāṇi — activities; uddāma-vṛttāni — comprised of magnanimous deeds; hitāya — for the benefit; jagataḥ — of the universe; akṛthāḥ — You performed.


Descending into the dynasty of King Yadu, You have manifested Your unique transcendental form, and for the benefit of the entire universe You have executed magnanimous transcendental activities.

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