Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 15: Bali Mahārāja Conquers the Heavenly Planets

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.15.26

nainaḿ kaścit kuto vāpi

prativyoḍhum adhīśvaraḥ

pibann iva mukhenedaḿ

lihann iva diśo daśa

dahann iva diśo dṛgbhiḥ

saḿvartāgnir ivotthitaḥ


na — not; enam — this arrangement; kaścit — anyone; kutaḥ — from anywhere; api — either; prativyoḍhumto counteract; adhīśvaraḥ — capable; piban ivaas if drinking; mukhena — by the mouth; idam — this (world); lihan ivaas if licking up; diśaḥ daśa — all ten directions; dahan ivaas if burning; diśaḥ — all directions; dṛgbhiḥ — by his vision; saḿvarta-agniḥ — the fire known as saḿvarta; iva — like; utthitaḥ — now arisen.


No one anywhere can counteract this military arrangement of Bali's. It now appears that Bali is trying to drink up the entire universe with his mouth, lick up the ten directions with his tongue, and raise fire in every direction with his eyes. Indeed, he has arisen like the annihilating fire known as saḿvartaka.

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