Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 16: Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.16.46

payo-bhakṣo vratam idaḿ

cared viṣṇv-arcanādṛtaḥ

pūrvavaj juhuyād agniḿ

brāhmaṇāḿś cāpi bhojayet


payaḥ-bhakṣaḥ — one who drinks milk only; vratam idam — this process of worshiping with a vow; caret — one should execute; viṣṇu-arcana-ādṛtaḥ — worshiping Lord Viṣṇu with great faith and devotion; pūrva-vatas prescribed previously; juhuyāt — one should offer oblations; agnim — into the fire; brāhmaṇān — unto the brāhmaṇas; ca apias well as; bhojayet — should feed.


Worshiping Lord Viṣṇu with great faith and devotion and living only by drinking milk, one should follow this vow. One should also offer oblations to the fire and feed the brāhmaṇas as mentioned before.

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