Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 17: The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.17.5

taḿ netra-gocaraḿ vīkṣya

sahasotthāya sādaram

nanāma bhuvi kāyena



tam — Him (the Supreme Personality of Godhead); netra-gocaram — visible by her eyes; vīkṣya — after seeing; sahasā — all of a sudden; utthāya — getting up; sa-ādaram — with great respect; nanāma — offered respectful obeisances; bhuvi — on the ground; kāyena — by the whole body; daṇḍa-vat — falling like a rod; prīti-vihvalā — almost puzzled because of transcendental bliss.


When the Supreme Personality of Godhead became visible to Aditi's eyes, Aditi was so overwhelmed by transcendental bliss that she at once stood up and then fell to the ground like a rod to offer the Lord her respectful obeisances.

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