Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 18: Lord Vāmanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.18.24-25

mauñjyā mekhalayā vītam


jaṭilaḿ vāmanaḿ vipraḿ

māyā-māṇavakaḿ harim

praviṣṭaḿ vīkṣya bhṛgavaḥ

saśiṣyās te sahāgnibhiḥ

pratyagṛhṇan samutthāya

sańkṣiptās tasya tejasā


mauñjyāmade of muñja straw; mekhalayā — with a belt; vītam — circled; upavīta — sacred thread; ajina-uttaram — wearing a deerskin upper garment; jaṭilam — having matted locks of hair; vāmanam — Lord Vāmana; viprama brāhmaṇa; māyā-māṇavakam — the illusory son of a human being; harim — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; praviṣṭam — entered; vīkṣya — seeing; bhṛgavaḥ — the priests who were descendants of Bhṛgu; sa-śiṣyāḥ — with their disciples; te — all of them; saha-agnibhiḥ — with the fire sacrifice; pratyagṛhṇan — properly welcomed; samutthāya — standing up; sańkṣiptāḥ — being diminished; tasya — His; tejasā — by brilliance.


Appearing as a brāhmaṇa boy, wearing a belt of straw, a sacred thread, an upper garment of deerskin, and matted locks of hair, Lord Vāmanadeva entered the arena of sacrifice. His brilliant effulgence diminished the brilliance of all the priests and their disciples, who thus stood from their seats and welcomed the Lord properly by offering obeisances.

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