Antya-līlāChapter 17: The Bodily Transformations of Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Antya 17.49

karite aiche vilāpa, uṭhila udvega, bhāva,

mane kāho nāhi ālambana

udvega, viṣāda, mati, autsukya, trāsa, dhṛti, smṛti,

nānā-bhāvera ha-ila milana


karite — doing; aiche — such; vilāpa — lamentation; uṭhila — there arose; udvega — agitation; bhāva — ecstasy; manein the mind; kāho — anywhere; nāhi — there is not; ālambana — shelter; udvega — anxiety; viṣāda — lamentation; mati — attention; autsukya — eagerness; trāsa — fear; dhṛti — determination; smṛti — remembrance; nānā-bhāvera — of various ecstasies; ha-ila — there was; milana — combining.


While Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu lamented in this way, agitation and ecstasy awoke in His mind, and He became very restless. Many transcendental ecstasies combined in Him, including anxiety, lamentation, attention, eagerness, fear, determination and remembrance.

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