Antya-līlāChapter 18: Rescuing the Lord from the Sea

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Antya 18.102

vṛndāvane taru-latā, adbhuta tāhāra kathā,

bāra-māsa dhare phula-phala

vṛndāvane devī-gaṇa, kuñja-dāsī yata jana,

phala pāḍi' āniyā sakala


vṛndāvane — at Vṛndāvana; taru-latā — trees and creepers; adbhuta — wonderful; tāhāra kathā — their story; bāra-māsa — twelve months; dhare — produce; phula-phala — fruits and flowers; vṛndāvane — at Vṛndāvana; devī-gaṇa — all the gopīs; kuñja-dāsī — maidservants in the bowers; yata janaas many persons as there are; phala pāḍi' — picking fruits; āniyā — bringing; sakala — all varieties.


"In Vṛndāvana, the trees and creepers are wonderful because throughout the entire year they produce all kinds of fruits and flowers. The gopīs and maidservants in the bowers of Vṛndāvana picked these fruits and flowers and brought them before Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa.

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