Antya-līlāChapter 2: The Chastisement of Junior Haridāsa

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Antya 2.10

sapta-dvīpera loka āra nava-khaṇḍa-vāsī

deva, gandharva, kinnara manuṣya-veśe āsi'


sapta-dvīpera loka — people from all of the seven islands within the universe; āra — and; nava-khaṇḍa-vāsī — the inhabitants of the nine khaṇḍas; deva — demigods; gandharva — the inhabitants of Gandharvaloka; kinnara — the inhabitants of Kinnaraloka; manuṣya-veśein the form of human beings; āsi' — coming.


People from all over the universe, including the seven islands, the nine khaṇḍas, the planets of the demigods, Gandharvaloka and Kinnaraloka, would go there in the forms of human beings.


For an explanation of sapta-dvīpa, see Madhya-līlā, Chapter Twenty, verse 218, and Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, Fifth Canto, Chapters Sixteen and Twenty. In the Siddhānta-śiromaṇi, Chapter One (Golādhyāya), in the Bhuvana-kośa section, the nine khaṇḍas are mentioned as follows:

aindraḿ kaśeru sakalaḿ kila tāmraparṇam

anyad gabhastimad ataś ca kumārikākhyam

nāgaḿ ca saumyam iha vāruṇam antya-khaṇḍaḿ

gāndharva-saḿjñam iti bhārata-varṣa-madhye

"Within Bhārata-varṣa, there are nine khaṇḍas. They are known as (1) Aindra, (2) Kaśeru, (3) Tāmraparṇa, (4) Gabhastimat, (5) Kumārikā, (6) Nāga, (7) Saumya, (8) Vāruṇa and (9) Gāndharva."

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