Antya-līlāChapter 2: The Chastisement of Junior Haridāsa

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Antya 2.43

jagadānanda haya tāhāń, teńho bhikṣā dibe

sabāre kahiha, — e vatsara keha nā āsibe"


jagadānandaJagadānanda; haya — is; tāhāń — there; teńhohe; bhikṣā dibe — will give offerings of food; sabāre kahiha — inform all of them; e vatsara — this year; keha āsibeno one should come.


"Jagadānanda is there, and he will give Me offerings of food. Inform them all that no one should come to Jagannātha Purī this year."

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