Antya-līlāChapter 2: The Chastisement of Junior Haridāsa

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Antya 2.71

tina janāra bhoga teńho ekelā khāilā

jagannātha-nṛsiḿha upavāsī ha-ilā"


tina janāra — of the three Deities; bhoga — offerings; teńhoHe; ekelā — alone; khāilā — ate; jagannātha-nṛsiḿha — Lord Jagannātha and Lord Nṛsiḿhadeva; upavāsī ha-ilā — remained fasting.


"He alone has eaten the offerings for all three Deities. Because of this, both Jagannātha and Nṛsiḿhadeva remain fasting."

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