Canto 1: CreationChapter 17: Punishment and Reward of Kali

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 1.17.36

kalir uvāca

yatra kva vātha vatsyāmi

sārva-bhauma tavājñayā

lakṣaye tatra tatrāpi

tvām ātteṣu-śarāsanam


kaliḥ uvāca — the personality of Kali said; yatra — anywhere; kva — and everywhere; — either; atha — thereof; vatsyāmiI shall reside; sārva-bhaumaO lord (or emperor) of the earth; tava — your; ājñayā — by the order; lakṣayeI see; tatra tatra — anywhere and everywhere; api — also; tvām — Your Majesty; ātta — taken over; iṣu — arrows; śarāsanam — bows.


O Your Majesty, though I may live anywhere and everywhere under your order, I shall but see you with bow and arrows wherever I look.


The personality of Kali could see that Mahārāja Parīkṣit was the emperor of all lands all over the world, and thus anywhere he might live he would have to meet with the same mood of the King. The personality of Kali was meant for mischief, and Mahārāja Parīkṣit was meant for subduing all kinds of mischief-mongers, especially the personality of Kali. It was better, therefore, for the personality of Kali to have been killed by the King then and there instead of being killed elsewhere. He was, after all, a surrendered soul before the King, and it was for the King to do what was required.

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