Canto 10: The Summum BonumChapter 14: Brahmā's Prayers to Lord Kṛṣṇa

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.14.12

utkṣepaṇaḿ garbha-gatasya pādayoḥ

kiḿ kalpate mātur adhokṣajāgase

kim asti-nāsti-vyapadeśa-bhūṣitaḿ

tavāsti kukṣeḥ kiyad apy anantaḥ


utkṣepaṇam — the kicking; garbha-gatasya — of a child in the womb; pādayoḥ — of the legs; kim — what; kalpate — amounts to; mātuḥ — for the mother; adhokṣajaO transcendental Lord; āgaseas an offense; kim — what; astiit exists; na astiit does not exist; vyapadeśa — by the designations; bhūṣitam — decorated; tava — Your; asti — there is, kukṣeḥ — of the abdomen; kiyat — how much; api — even; anantaḥ — external.


O Lord Adhokṣaja, does a mother take offense when the child within her womb kicks with his legs? And is there anything in existence — whether designated by various philosophers as real or as unreal — that is actually outside Your abdomen?


Śrīla Prabhupāda comments as follows on this verse in Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Volume One, Chapter Fourteen: "Lord Brahmā therefore compared himself to a little child within the womb of his mother. If the child within the womb plays with his hands and legs, and while playing touches the body of the mother, is the mother offended with this child? Of course she isn't. Similarly, Lord Brahmā may be a very great personality, and yet not only Brahmā but everything that exists is within the womb of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Lord's energy is all-pervading; there is no place in the creation where it is not acting. Everything is existing within the energy of the Lord, so the Brahmā of this universe or the Brahmās of the many other millions and trillions of universes are existing within the energy of the Lord. Therefore the Lord is considered to be the mother, and everything existing within the womb of the mother is considered to be the child. And the good mother is never offended with the child, even if he touches the body of the mother by kicking his legs."

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