Canto 2: The Cosmic ManifestationChapter 10: Bhāgavatam Is the Answer to All Questions

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 2.10.16

anuprāṇanti yaḿ prāṇāḥ

prāṇantaḿ sarva-jantuṣu

apānantam apānanti

nara-devam ivānugāḥ


anuprāṇanti — follow the living symptoms; yam — whom; prāṇāḥ — senses; prāṇantam — endeavoring; sarva-jantuṣuin all living entities; apānantam — stop endeavoring; apānanti — all others stop; nara-devama king; iva — like; anugāḥ — the followers.


As the followers of a king follow their lord, similarly when the total energy is in motion, all other living entities move, and when the total energy stops endeavoring, all other living entities stop sensual activities.


The individual living entities are completely dependent on the total energy of the supreme puruṣa. No one has independent existence, just as no electric lamp has independent effulgence. Each and every electrical instrument depends fully on the total powerhouse, the total powerhouse depends on the reservoir of water for generating electricity, water depends on the clouds, the clouds depend on the sun, the sun depends on creation, and the creation depends on the movement of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Thus the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the cause of all causes.

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