Canto 2: The Cosmic ManifestationChapter 5: The Cause of All Causes

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 2.5.42

bhūrlokaḥ kalpitaḥ padbhyāḿ

bhuvarloko 'sya nābhitaḥ

svarlokaḥ kalpito mūrdhnā

iti vā loka-kalpanā


bhūrlokaḥ — the entire planetary system from Pātāla to the earthly planetary system; kalpitaḥ — imagined; padbhyām — situated on the legs; bhuvarlokaḥ — the Bhuvarloka planetary system; asya — of the universal form of the Lord; nābhitaḥ — out of the navel abdomen; svarlokaḥ — the higher planetary system, beginning with the heavenly planets; kalpitaḥ — imagined; mūrdhnā — from the chest to the head; iti — thus; — either; loka — the planetary systems; kalpanā — imagination.


Others may divide the whole planetary system into three divisions, namely the lower planetary systems on the legs [up to the earth], the middle planetary systems on the navel, and the upper planetary systems [Svarloka] from the chest to the head of the Supreme Personality.


The three divisions of the complete planetary systems are here mentioned; fourteen are imagined by others, and that is also explained.

Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Second Canto, Fifth Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled "The Cause of All Causes."

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