Canto 2: The Cosmic ManifestationChapter 5: The Cause of All Causes

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 2.5.8

etan me pṛcchataḥ sarvaḿ

sarva-jña sakaleśvara

vijānīhi yathaivedam

ahaḿ budhye 'nuśāsitaḥ


etat — all those; me — unto me; pṛcchataḥ — inquisitive; sarvam — all that is inquired; sarva-jña — one who knows everything; sakala — over all; īśvara — the controller; vijānīhi — kindly explain; yathāas; eva — they are; idam — this; aham — myself; budhye — can understand; anuśāsitaḥ — just learning from you.


My dear father, you know everything, and you are the controller of all. Therefore may all that I have inquired from you be kindly instructed to me so that I may be able to understand it as your student.


The inquiries made by Nārada Muni are very important for everyone concerned, and as such Nārada requested Brahmājī to deem them suitable so that all others who may come in the line of disciplic succession of the Brahma-sampradāya may also know them properly without any difficulty.

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