Canto 2: The Cosmic ManifestationChapter 8: Questions by King Parīkṣit

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 2.8.24

sarvam etac ca bhagavan

pṛcchato me 'nupūrvaśaḥ

tattvato 'rhasy udāhartuḿ

prapannāya mahā-mune


sarvam — all these; etat — inquiries; ca — also that I have not been able to ask; bhagavanO great sage; pṛcchataḥ — of the inquisitive; me — myself; anupūrvaśaḥ — from the beginning; tattvataḥ — just in accordance with the truth; arhasi — may kindly be explained; udāhartumas you will let know; prapannāya — one who is surrounded; mahā-muneO great sage.


O great sage, representative of the Lord, kindly satisfy my inquisitiveness in all that I have inquired from you and all that I may not have inquired from you from the very beginning of my questionings. Since I am a soul surrendered unto you, please impart full knowledge in this connection.


The spiritual master is always prepared to impart knowledge to the disciple and specifically when the disciple is very inquisitive. inquisitiveness on the part of a disciple is greatly necessary for the progressive disciple. Mahārāja Parīkṣit is a typical disciple because he is perfectly inquisitive. If one is not very inquisitive about self-realization, one need not approach a spiritual master simply to make a show of discipleship. Not only is Mahārāja Parīkṣit inquisitive concerning all he has inquired about, but he is also anxious to know about what he has not been able to inquire. Factually it is not possible for a man to inquire about everything from the spiritual master, but the bona fide spiritual master is able to enlighten the disciple in every way for the disciple's benefit.

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