Canto 2: The Cosmic ManifestationChapter 9: Answers by Citing the Lord's Version

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 2.9.14

śrīr yatra rūpiṇy urugāya-pādayoḥ

karoti mānaḿ bahudhā vibhūtibhiḥ

preńkhaḿ śritā yā kusumākarānugair

vigīyamānā priya-karma gāyatī


śrīḥ — the goddess of fortune; yatrain the Vaikuṇṭha planets; rūpiṇīin her transcendental form; urugāya — the Lord, who is sung of by the great devotees; pādayoḥ — under the lotus feet of the Lord; karoti — does; mānam — respectful services; bahudhāin diverse paraphernalia; vibhūtibhiḥ — accompanied by her personal associates; preńkham — movement of enjoyment; śritā — taken shelter of; — who; kusumākara — spring; anugaiḥ — by the black bees; vigīyamānā — being followed by the songs; priya-karma — activities of the dearmost; gāyatī — singing.


The goddess of fortune in her transcendental form is engaged in the loving service of the Lord's lotus feet, and being moved by the black bees, followers of spring, she is not only engaged in variegated pleasure — service to the Lord, along with her constant companions — but is also engaged in singing the glories of the Lord's activities.

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