Canto 3: The Status QuoChapter 10: Divisions of the Creation

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 3.10.13

yathedānīḿ tathāgre ca

paścād apy etad īdṛśam


yathāas it is; idānīm — at present; tathāso it was; agrein the beginning; ca — and; paścāt — at the end; api — also; etat īdṛśamit continues to be the same.


This cosmic manifestation is as it is now, it was the same in the past, and it will continue in the same way in the future.


There is a systematic schedule for the perpetual manifestation, maintenance and annihilation of the material world, as stated in Bhagavad-gītā (9.8): bhūta-grāmam imaḿ kṛtsnam avaśaḿ prakṛter vaśāt. As it is created now and as it will be destroyed later on, so also it existed in the past and again will be created, maintained and destroyed in due course of time. Therefore, the systematic activities of the time factor are perpetual and eternal and cannot be stated to be false. The manifestation is temporary and occasional, but it is not false as claimed by the Māyāvādī philosophers.

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