Canto 5: The Creative ImpetusChapter 18: The Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambūdvīpa

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.18.14

tasmād rajo-rāga-viṣāda-manyu-


hitvā gṛhaḿ saḿsṛti-cakravālaḿ

nṛsiḿha-pādaḿ bhajatākutobhayam iti


tasmāt — therefore; rajaḥ — of passion or material desires; rāga — attachment for material things; viṣāda — then disappointment; manyu — anger; māna-spṛhā — the desire to be respectable in society; bhaya — fear; dainya — of poverty; adhimūlam — the root cause; hitvā — giving up; gṛham — household life; saḿsṛti-cakravālam — the cycle of repeated birth and death; nṛsiḿha-pādam — the lotus feet of Lord Nṛsiḿhadeva; bhajata — worship; akutaḥ-bhayam — the shelter of fearlessness; iti — thus.


Therefore, O demons, give up the so-called happiness of family life and simply take shelter of the lotus feet of Lord Nṛsiḿhadeva, which are the actual shelter of fearlessness. Entanglement in family life is the root cause of material attachment, indefatigable desires, moroseness, anger, despair, fear and the desire for false prestige, all of which result in the repetition of birth and death.

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