Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 12: Vṛtrāsura's Glorious Death

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.12.4

chinnaika-bāhuḥ parigheṇa vṛtraḥ

saḿrabdha āsādya gṛhīta-vajram

hanau tatāḍendram athāmarebhaḿ

vajraḿ ca hastān nyapatan maghonaḥ


chinna — cut off; eka — one; bāhuḥ — whose arm; parigheṇa — with a mace of iron; vṛtraḥ — Vṛtrāsura; saḿrabdhaḥ — being very angry; āsādya — reaching; gṛhīta — taking up; vajram — the thunderbolt; hanau — on the jaw; tatāḍa — struck; indram — Lord Indra; atha — also; amara-ibham — his elephant; vajram — the thunderbolt; ca — and; hastāt — from the hand; nyapatat — fell; maghonaḥ — of King Indra.


Although one of his arms was severed from his body, Vṛtrāsura angrily approached King Indra and struck him on the jaw with an iron mace. He also struck the elephant that carried Indra. Thus Indra dropped the thunderbolt from his hand.

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