Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 13: King Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.13.22-23

idaḿ mahākhyānam aśeṣa-pāpmanāḿ

prakṣālanaḿ tīrthapadānukīrtanam

bhakty-ucchrayaḿ bhakta-janānuvarṇanaḿ

mahendra-mokṣaḿ vijayaḿ marutvataḥ

paṭheyur ākhyānam idaḿ sadā budhāḥ

śṛṇvanty atho parvaṇi parvaṇīndriyam

dhanyaḿ yaśasyaḿ nikhilāgha-mocanaḿ

ripuñjayaḿ svasty-ayanaḿ tathāyuṣam


idam — this; mahā-ākhyānam — great historical incident; aśeṣa-pāpmanām — of unlimited numbers of sinful acts; prakṣālanam — cleansing; tīrthapada-anukīrtanam — glorifying the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is known as Tīrthapada; bhakti — of devotional service; ucchrayamin which there is an increase; bhakta-jana — the devotees; anuvarṇanam — describing; mahā-indra-mokṣam — the liberation of the King of heaven; vijayam — the victory; marutvataḥ — of King Indra; paṭheyuḥ — should read; ākhyānam — narration; idam — this; sadā — always; budhāḥ — learned scholars; śṛṇvanti — continue to hear; athoas well; parvaṇi parvaṇi — on the occasion of great festivals; indriyam — which makes the senses sharp; dhanyam — brings wealth; yaśasyam — brings fame; nikhila — all; agha-mocanam — releasing from sins; ripum-jayam — makes one victorious over his enemies; svasti-ayanam — brings good fortune for all; tathāso also; āyuṣam — longevity.


In this very great narrative there is glorification of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Nārāyaṇa, there are statements about the exaltedness of devotional service, there are descriptions of devotees like Indra and Vṛtrāsura, and there are statements about King Indra's release from sinful life and about his victory in fighting the demons. By understanding this incident, one is relieved of all sinful reactions. Therefore the learned are always advised to read this narration. If one does so, one will become expert in the activities of the senses, his opulence will increase, and his reputation will become widespread. One will also be relieved of all sinful reactions, he will conquer all his enemies, and the duration of his life will increase. Because this narration is auspicious in all respects, learned scholars regularly hear and repeat it on every festival day.

Thus ends the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Sixth Canto, Thirteenth Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled "King Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction."

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