Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 14: King Citraketu's Lamentation

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.14.18

ātmānaḿ prakṛtiṣv addhā

nidhāya śreya āpnuyāt

rājñā tathā prakṛtayo



ātmānam — himself; prakṛtiṣu — under these seven royal elements; addhā — directly; nidhāya — placing; śreyaḥ — ultimate happiness; āpnuyāt — may obtain; rājñā — by the king; tathāso also; prakṛtayaḥ — the dependent royal elements; nara-devaO King; āhita-adhayaḥ — offering wealth and other items.


O King, O lord of humanity, when a king directly depends upon his associates and follows their instructions, he is happy. Similarly, when his associates offer their gifts and activities to the king and follow his orders, they are also happy.


The actual happiness of a king and his dependents is described in this verse. A king should not simply give orders to his dependents because he is supreme; sometimes he must follow their instructions. Similarly, the dependents should depend on the king. This mutual dependence will make everyone happy.

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