Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 16: King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.16.30

mṛṇāla-gauraḿ śiti-vāsasaḿ sphurat-


prasanna-vaktrāruṇa-locanaḿ vṛtaḿ

dadarśa siddheśvara-maṇḍalaiḥ prabhum


mṛṇāla-gauram — white like the fibers of a lotus; śiti-vāsasam — wearing garments of blue silk; sphurat — glittering; kirīṭa — helmet; keyūra — armlets; kaṭitra — belt; kańkaṇam — whose bangles; prasanna-vaktra — smiling face; aruṇa-locanam — having reddish eyes; vṛtam — surrounded; dadarśahe saw; siddha-īśvara-maṇḍalaiḥ — by the most perfect devotees; prabhum — the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


Upon reaching the shelter of Lord Śeṣa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Citraketu saw that He was as white as the white fibers of a lotus flower. He was dressed in bluish garments and adorned with a brilliantly glittering helmet, armlets, belt and bangles. His face was smiling, and His eyes were reddish. He was surrounded by such exalted liberated persons as Sanat-kumāra.

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