Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 17: Mother Pārvatī Curses Citraketu

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.17.39

etat te sarvam ākhyātaḿ

yan māḿ tvaḿ paripṛcchasi

vṛtrasyāsura-jāteś ca

kāraṇaḿ bhagavan-mateḥ


etat — this; te — unto you; sarvam — all; ākhyātam — explained; yat — which; māmme; tvam — you; paripṛcchasi — asked; vṛtrasya — of Vṛtrāsura; asura-jāteḥ — whose birth was in a species of asuras; ca — and; kāraṇam — the cause; bhagavat-mateḥ — of exalted intelligence in Kṛṣṇa consciousness.


My dear King Parīkṣit, you inquired from me how Vṛtrāsura, a great devotee, took birth in a demoniac family. Thus I have tried to explain to you everything about this.

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