Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 4: The Haḿsa-guhya Prayers

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.4.19

manasaivāsṛjat pūrvaḿ

prajāpatir imāḥ prajāḥ




manasā — by the mind; eva — indeed; asṛjat — created; pūrvamin the beginning; prajāpatiḥ — the prajāpati (Dakṣa); imāḥ — these; prajāḥ — living entities; deva — the demigods; asura — the demons; manuṣya-ādīn — and other living entities, headed by the human beings; nabhaḥin the skies; sthala — on the land; jala — or within the water; okasaḥ — who have their abodes.


With his mind, Prajāpati Dakṣa first created all kinds of demigods, demons, human beings, birds, beasts, aquatics and so on.

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