Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 6: The Progeny of the Daughters of Dakṣa

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.6.20

kṛśāśvo 'rciṣi bhāryāyāḿ

dhūmaketum ajījanat

dhiṣaṇāyāḿ vedaśiro

devalaḿ vayunaḿ manum


kṛśāśvaḥ — Kṛśāśva; arciṣi — Arcis; bhāryāyāmin his wife; dhūmaketumto Dhūmaketu; ajījanat — gave birth; dhiṣaṇāyāmin the wife known as Dhiṣaṇā; vedaśiraḥVedaśirā; devalamDevala; vayunamVayuna; manumManu.


Kṛśāśva had two wives, named Arcis and Dhiṣaṇā. In the wife named Arcis he begot Dhūmaketu and in Dhiṣaṇā he begot four sons, named Vedaśirā, Devala, Vayuna and Manu.

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