Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 9: Appearance of the Demon Vṛtrāsura

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.9.34

duravabodha iva tavāyaḿ vihāra-yogo yad aśaraṇo 'śarīra idam anavekṣitāsmat-samavāya ātmanaivāvikriyamāṇena saguṇam aguṇaḥ sṛjasi pāsi harasi


duravabodhaḥ — difficult to understand; iva — quite; tava — Your; ayam — this; vihāra-yogaḥ — engagement in the pastimes of material creation, maintenance and annihilation; yat — which; aśaraṇaḥ — not dependent on any other support; aśarīraḥ — without having a material body; idam — this; anavekṣita — without waiting for; asmat — of us; samavāyaḥ — the cooperation; ātmanā — by Your own self; eva — indeed; avikriyamāṇena — without being transformed; sa-guṇam — the material modes of nature; aguṇaḥ — although transcendental to such material qualities; sṛjasi — You create; pāsi — maintain; harasi — annihilate.


O Lord, You need no support, and although You have no material body, You do not need cooperation from us. Since You are the cause of the cosmic manifestation and You supply its material ingredients without being transformed, You create, maintain and annihilate this cosmic manifestation by Yourself. Nevertheless, although You appear engaged in material activity, You are transcendental to all material qualities. Consequently these transcendental activities of Yours are extremely difficult to understand.


The Brahma-saḿhitā (5.37) says, goloka eva nivasaty akhilātma-bhūtaḥ: the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa, is always situated in Goloka Vṛndāvana. It is also said, vṛndāvanaḿ parityajya padam ekaḿ na gacchati: Kṛṣṇa never goes even a step from Vṛndāvana. Nevertheless, although Kṛṣṇa is situated in His own abode, Goloka Vṛndāvana, He is simultaneously all-pervading and is therefore present everywhere. This is very difficult for a conditioned soul to understand. but devotees can understand how Kṛṣṇa, without undergoing any changes, can simultaneously be in His abode and be all-pervasive. The demigods are understood to be various limbs of the Supreme Lord's body, although the Supreme Lord has no material body and does not need anyone's help. He is spread everywhere (mayā tatam idaḿ sarvaḿ jagad avyakta-mūrtinā). Nevertheless, He is not present everywhere in His spiritual form. According to the Māyāvāda philosophy, the Supreme Truth, being all-pervasive, does not need a transcendental form. The Māyāvādīs suppose that since His form is distributed everywhere, He has no form. This is untrue. The Lord keeps His transcendental form, and at the same time He extends everywhere, in every nook and corner of the material creation.

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