Canto 10: The Summum BonumChapter 62: The Meeting of Ūṣā and Aniruddha

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.62.27

anapāyibhir asmābhir

guptāyāś ca gṛhe prabho

kanyāyā dūṣaṇaḿ pumbhir

duṣprekṣyāyā na vidmahe


anapāyibhiḥ — who have never gone away; asmābhiḥ — by us; guptāyāḥ — of her who has been well guarded; ca — and; gṛhe — within the palace; prabhoO master; kanyāyāḥ — of the maiden; dūṣaṇam — the polluting; pumbhiḥ — by men; duṣprekṣyāyāḥ — impossible to be seen; na vidmahe — we do not understand.


"We have been carefully watching over her, never leaving our posts, O master, so we cannot understand how this maiden, whom no man can even see, has been corrupted within the palace."


The ācāryas explain that the word anapāyibhiḥ can mean either "never going away" or "never deluded." Also, if we take the alternate reading duṣpreṣyāyāḥ instead of duṣprekṣyāyāḥ, the guards refer to Ūṣā as "she whose wicked girlfriend has been sent on a mission."

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