Canto 4: Creation of the Fourth OrderChapter 7: The Sacrifice Performed by Dakṣa

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.7.56

rudraḿ ca svena bhāgena

hy upādhāvat samāhitaḥ


somapān itarān api

udavasya sahartvigbhiḥ

sasnāv avabhṛthaḿ tataḥ


rudram — Lord Śiva; ca — and; svena — with his own; bhāgena — share; hisince; upādhāvathe worshiped; samāhitaḥ — with concentrated mind; karmaṇā — by the performance; udavasānena — by the act of finishing; soma-pān — demigods; itarān — other; api — even; udavasya — after finishing; saha — along with; ṛtvigbhiḥ — with the priests; sasnau — bathed; avabhṛtham — the avabhṛtha bath; tataḥ — then.


With all respect, Dakṣa worshiped Lord Śiva with his share of the remnants of the yajña. After finishing the ritualistic sacrificial activities, he satisfied all the other demigods and the other people assembled there. Then, after finishing all these duties with the priests, he took a bath and was fully satisfied.


Lord Rudra, Śiva, was properly worshiped with his share of the remnants of the yajña. Yajña is Viṣṇu, and whatever prasāda is offered to Viṣṇu is offered to everyone, even to Lord Śiva. Śrīdhara Svāmī also comments in this connection, svena bhāgena: the remnants of the yajña are offered to all the demigods and others.

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