Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 12: The Mohinī-mūrti Incarnation Bewilders Lord Śiva

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.12.44

yaḿ mām apṛcchas tvam upetya yogāt

samā-sahasrānta upārataḿ vai

sa eṣa sākṣāt puruṣaḥ purāṇo

na yatra kālo viśate na vedaḥ


yam — about whom; mām — from me; apṛcchaḥ — inquired; tvam — you; upetya — coming near me; yogāt — from performing mystic yoga; samā — years; sahasra-ante — at the end of one thousand; upāratam — ceasing; vai — indeed; saḥHe; eṣaḥ — here is; sākṣāt — directly; puruṣaḥ — the Supreme Person; purāṇaḥ — the original; na — not; yatra — where; kālaḥ — eternal time; viśate — can enter; na — nor; vedaḥ — the Vedas.


When I finished performing mystic yoga for one thousand years, you asked me upon whom I was meditating. Now, here is that Supreme Person to whom time has no entrance and who the Vedas cannot understand.


Eternal time enters anywhere and everywhere, but it cannot enter the kingdom of god. Nor can the Vedas understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is an indication of the Lord's being omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.

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