Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 16: Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.16.15

tasmād īśa bhajantyā me

śreyaś cintaya suvrata

hṛta-śriyo hṛta-sthānān

sapatnaiḥ pāhi naḥ prabho


tasmāt — therefore; īśaO powerful controller; bhajantyāḥ — of your servitor; meme; śreyaḥ — auspiciousness; cintaya — just consider; su-vrataO most gentle one; hṛta-śriyaḥ — bereft of all opulence; hṛta-sthānān — bereft of a residence; sapatnaiḥ — by the competitors; pāhi — please protect; naḥ — us; prabhoO my lord.


Therefore, most gentle lord, kindly favor your maidservant. We have now been deprived of our opulence and residence by our competitors, the demons. Kindly give us protection.


Aditi, the mother of the demigods, appealed to Kaśyapa Muni to give the demigods protection. When we speak of the demigods, this also includes their mother.

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