Antya-līlāChapter 1: Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī's Second Meeting With the Lord

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Antya 1.150

stotraḿ yatra taṭa-sthatāḿ prakaṭayac cittasya dhatte vyathāḿ

nindāpi pramadaḿ prayacchati parīhāsa-śriyaḿ bibhratī

doṣeṇa kṣayitāḿ guṇena gurutāḿ kenāpy anātanvatī

premṇaḥ svārasikasya kasyacid iyaḿ vikrīḍati prakriyā


stotram — praising; yatrain which; taṭa-sthatām — neutrality; prakaṭayat — manifesting; cittasyato the heart; dhatte — gives; vyathām — painful reaction; nindā — blaspheming; api — also; pramadam — pleasure; prayacchati — delivers; parīhāsa — of joking; śriyam — the beauty; bibhratī — bringing forth; doṣeṇa — by accusation; kṣayitām — the quality of diminishing; guṇena — by good qualities; gurutām — the importance; kena api — by any; anātanvatī — not increasing; premṇaḥ — of love of Godhead; svārasikasya — spontaneous; kasyacit — of any; iyam — this; vikrīḍati — acts within the heart; prakriyā — the manner of action.


"'When one hears praise from his beloved, he outwardly remains neutral but feels pain within his heart. When he hears his beloved making accusations about him, he takes them to be jokes and enjoys pleasure. When he finds faults in his beloved, they do not diminish his love, nor do the beloved's good qualities increase his spontaneous affection. Thus spontaneous love continues under all circumstances. That is how spontaneous love of Godhead acts within the heart.'


This verse from the Vidagdha-mādhava (5.4) is spoken by Paurṇamāsī, the grandmother of Madhumańgala and mother of Sāndīpani Muni.

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