Antya-līlāChapter 1: Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī's Second Meeting With the Lord

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Antya 1.166

jańghādhas-taṭa-sańgi-dakṣiṇa-padaḿ kiñcid vibhugna-trikaḿ

sāci-stambhita-kandharaḿ sakhi tiraḥ-sañcāri-netrāñcalam

vaḿśīḿ kuṭmalite dadhānam adhare lolāńgulī-sańgatāḿ

rińgad-bhrū-bhramaraḿ varāńgi paramānandaḿ puraḥ svī-kuru


jańghā — of the shin; adhaḥ-taṭa — at the lower border; sańgi — connected; dakṣiṇa-padam — the right foot; kiñcit — slightly; vibhugna-trikam — the middle of the body bent in three places; sāci-stambhita-kandharam — whose neck is fixed in a curve to the side; sakhiO friend; tiraḥ-sañcāri — roaming sideways; netra-añcalam — whose borders of the eyes; vaḿśīm — flute; kuṭmalite — shut like a flower bud; dadhānam — placing; adhare — on the lips; lola-ańgulī-sańgatām — joined with fingers moving here and there; rińgat-bhrū — whose slowly moving eyebrows; bhramaram — like bumblebees; vara-ańgiO most beautiful one; parama-ānandam — the personality of bliss; puraḥ — situated in front; svī-kuru — just accept.


"'O most beautiful friend, please accept the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is standing before You full of transcendental bliss. The borders of His eyes roam from side to side, and His eyebrows move slowly like bumblebees on His lotuslike face. Standing with His right foot placed below the knee of His left leg, the middle of His body curved in three places, and His neck gracefully tilted to the side, He takes His flute to His pursed lips and moves His fingers upon it here and there.'


This verse from the Lalita-mādhava-nāṭaka (4.27), a ten-act play by Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī, is spoken by Lalitādevī to Rādhārāṇī.

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