Antya-līlāChapter 12: The Loving Dealings Between Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu and Jagadānanda Paṇḍita

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Antya 12.21

śuni' śivānandera patnī kāndite lāgilā

hena-kāle śivānanda ghāṭī haite āilā


śuni' — hearing; śivānandera — of Śivānanda Sena; patnī — the wife; kāndite lāgilā — began to cry; hena-kāle — at this time; śivānandaŚivānanda Sena; ghāṭī haite — from the toll station; āilā — came.


Hearing this curse, Śivānanda Sena's wife began to cry. Just then, Śivānanda returned from the toll station.

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