Antya-līlāChapter 18: Rescuing the Lord from the Sea

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Antya 18.8

rāsa-līlāra eka śloka yabe paḍe, śune

pūrvavat tabe artha karena āpane


rāsa-līlāra — of the rāsa-līlā; eka — one; śloka — verse; yabe — when; paḍe — recites; śune — hears; pūrva-vatas previously; tabe — then; artha karena — explains; āpane — personally.


When He heard Svarūpa Dāmodara recite a verse concerning the rāsa-līlā or He Himself recited one, He would personally explain it, as He had previously done.

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