Antya-līlāChapter 18: Rescuing the Lord from the Sea

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Antya 18.87

prathame yuddha 'jalājali', tabe yuddha 'karākari',

tāra pāche yuddha 'mukhāmukhi'

tabe yuddha 'hṛdāhṛdi', tabe haila 'radāradi',

tabe haila yuddha 'nakhānakhi'


prathamein the beginning; yuddha — the fight; jalājali — throwing water upon one another; tabe — thereafter; yuddha — the fight; karākari — hand to hand; tāra pāche — after that; yuddha — the fight; mukhāmukhi — face to face; tabe — thereafter; yuddha — the fight; hṛdāhṛdi — chest to chest; tabe — thereafter; haila — was; radāradi — teeth to teeth; tabe — thereafter; haila — there was; yuddha — the fight; nakhānakhi — nail to nail.


"As the fight began, they splashed water on one another. Then they fought hand to hand, then face to face, then chest to chest, teeth to teeth and finally nail to nail.

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