Antya-līlāChapter 2: The Chastisement of Junior Haridāsa

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Antya 2.153-154

eka-dina jagadānanda, svarūpa, govinda

kāśīśvara, śańkara, dāmodara, mukunda

samudra-snāne gelā sabe, śune katho dūre

haridāsa gāyena, yena ḍāki' kaṇṭha-svare


eka-dina — one day; jagadānandaJagadānanda; svarūpaSvarūpa; govindaGovinda; kāśīśvaraKāśīśvara; śańkaraŚańkara; dāmodaraDāmodara; mukundaMukunda; samudra-snāne — bathing in the sea; gelā — went; sabe — all of them; śune — could hear; katho dūre — from a distant place; haridāsa gāyena — Junior Haridāsa was singing; yenaas if; ḍāki' — calling; kaṇṭha-svarein his original voice.


One day Jagadānanda, Svarūpa, Govinda, Kāśīśvara, Śańkara, Dāmodara and Mukunda all went to bathe in the sea. They could hear Haridāsa singing from a distant place as if calling them in his original voice.

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