Canto 1: CreationChapter 17: Punishment and Reward of Kali

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 1.17.40

amūni pañca sthānāni

hy adharma-prabhavaḥ kaliḥ

auttareyeṇa dattāni

nyavasat tan-nideśa-kṛt


amūni — all those; pañca — five; sthānāni — places; hi — certainly; adharma — irreligious principles; prabhavaḥ — encouraging; kaliḥ — the age of Kali; auttareyeṇa — by the son of Uttarā; dattāni — delivered; nyavasat — dwelt; tat — by him; nideśa-kṛt — directed.


Thus the personality of Kali, by the directions of Mahārāja Parīkṣit, the son of Uttarā, was allowed to live in those five places.


Thus the age of Kali began with gold standardization, and therefore falsity, intoxication, animal slaughter and prostitution are rampant all over the world, and the saner section is eager to drive out corruption. The counteracting process is suggested above, and everyone can take advantage of this suggestion.

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