Canto 1: CreationChapter 4: The Appearance of Śrī Nārada

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 1.4.26

evaḿ pravṛttasya sadā

bhūtānāḿ śreyasi dvijāḥ

sarvātmakenāpi yadā

nātuṣyad dhṛdayaḿ tataḥ


evam — thus; pravṛttasya — one who is engaged in; sadā — always; bhūtānām — of the living beings; śreyasiin the ultimate good; dvijāḥO twice-born; sarvātmakena api — by all means; yadā — when; na — not; atuṣyat — become satisfied; hṛdayam — mind; tataḥ — at that.


O twice-born brāhmaṇas, still his mind was not satisfied, although he engaged himself in working for the total welfare of all people.


Śrī Vyāsadeva was not satisfied with himself, although he had prepared literatures of Vedic value for the all-around welfare of the general mass of people. It was expected that he would be satisfied by all such activities, but ultimately he was not satisfied.

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