Canto 10: The Summum BonumChapter 33: The Rāsa Dance

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.33.22

tābhir yutaḥ śramam apohitum ańga-sańga-

ghṛṣṭa-srajaḥ sa kuca-kuńkuma-rañjitāyāḥ

gandharva-pālibhir anudruta āviśad vāḥ

śrānto gajībhir ibha-rāḍ iva bhinna-setuḥ


tābhiḥ — by them; yutaḥ — accompanied; śramam — fatigue; apohitumto dispel; ańga-sańga — by their conjugal association; ghṛṣṭa — crushed; srajaḥ — whose garland; saḥHe; kuca — from their breasts; kuńkuma — of the vermilion powder; rañjitāyāḥ — which was smeared by the color; gandharva-pa — (who appeared like) leaders of the heavenly singers; alibhiḥ — by bees; anudrutaḥ — swiftly followed; āviśatHe entered; vāḥ — the water; śrāntaḥ — tired; gajībhiḥ — together with His female elephant consorts; ibha-rāṭa lordly elephant; ivaas; bhinna — having broken; setuḥ — the walls of a paddy field.


Lord Kṛṣṇa's garland had been crushed during His conjugal dalliance with the gopīs and colored vermilion by the kuńkuma powder on their breasts. To dispel the fatigue of the gopīs, Kṛṣṇa entered the water of the Yamunā, followed swiftly by bees who were singing like the best of the Gandharvas. He appeared like a lordly elephant entering the water to relax in the company of his consorts. Indeed, the Lord had transgressed all worldly and Vedic morality just as a powerful elephant might break the dikes in a paddy field.

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