Canto 10: The Summum BonumChapter 38: Akrūra's Arrival in Vṛndāvana

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.38.5

maivaḿ mamādhamasyāpi

syād evācyuta-darśanam

hriyamāṇaḥ kala-nadyā

kvacit tarati kaścana


evamI should not think like this; mama — for me; adhamasya — who am most fallen; api — even; syātit may come about; eva — certainly; acyuta — of the infallible Lord; darśanam — the sight; hriyamāṇaḥ — being pulled along; kāla — of time; nadyā — by the river; kvacit — sometimes; tarati — crosses to the shore; kaścana — someone.


But enough of such thoughts! After all, even a fallen soul like me can have the chance to behold the infallible Supreme Lord, for one of the conditioned souls being swept along in the river of time may sometimes reach the shore.

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