Canto 10: The Summum BonumChapter 7: The Killing of the Demon Tṛṇāvarta

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.7.21

gokulaḿ sarvam āvṛṇvan

muṣṇaḿś cakṣūḿṣi reṇubhiḥ

īrayan sumahā-ghora-

śabdena pradiśo diśaḥ


gokulam — the whole tract of land known as Gokula; sarvam — everywhere; āvṛṇvan — covering; muṣṇan — taking away; cakṣūḿṣi — the power of vision; reṇubhiḥ — by particles of dust; īrayan — was vibrating; su-mahā-ghora — very fierce and heavy; śabdena — with a sound; pradiśaḥ diśaḥ — entered everywhere, in all directions.


Covering the whole land of Gokula with particles of dust, that demon, acting as a strong whirlwind, covered everyone's vision and began vibrating everywhere with a greatly fearful sound.


Tṛṇāvartāsura assumed the form of a whirlwind and covered with a dust storm the whole tract of land known as Gokula, so that no one could see even the nearest thing.

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