Canto 10: The Summum BonumChapter 78: The Killing of Dantavakra, Vidūratha and Romaharṣaṇa

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.78.30

asya brahmāsanaḿ dattam

asmābhir yadu-nandana

āyuś cātmāklamaḿ tāvad

yāvat satraḿ samāpyate


asya — his; brahma-āsanam — the spiritual master's seat; dattam — given; asmābhiḥ — by us; yadu-nandanaO darling of the Yadus; āyuḥ — long life; ca — and; ātma — bodily; aklamam — freedom from trouble; tāvat — for that long; yāvat — until; satram — the sacrifice; samāpyate — is completed.


"O favorite of the Yadus, we gave him the seat of the spiritual master and promised him long life and freedom from physical pain for as long as this sacrifice continues.


Although Romaharṣaṇa was not a brāhmaṇa, having been born of a mixed marriage, he was invested with that status by the assembled sages and thus given the brahmāsana, the seat of the chief officiating priest.

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