Canto 10: The Summum BonumChapter 78: The Killing of Dantavakra, Vidūratha and Romaharṣaṇa

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.78.31-32


tvayā brahma-vadho yathā

yogeśvarasya bhavato

nāmnāyo 'pi niyāmakaḥ

yady etad-brahma-hatyāyāḥ

pāvanaḿ loka-pāvana

cariṣyati bhavān loka-

sańgraho 'nanya-coditaḥ


ajānatā — not knowing; eva — only; ācaritaḥ — done; tvayā — by You; brahma — of a brāhmaṇa; vadhaḥ — the killing; yathā — actually; yoga — of mystic power; īśvarasya — for the Lord; bhavataḥ — Yourself; na — not; āmnāyaḥ — scriptural injunction; api — even; niyāmakaḥ — regulator; yadi — if; etat — for this; brahma — of a brāhmaṇa; hatyāyāḥ — killing; pāvanam — purifying atonement; loka — of the world; pāvanaO purifier; cariṣyati — executes; bhavān — Your good self; loka-sańgrahaḥ — benefit for the people in general; ananya — by no one else; coditaḥ — impelled.


"You have unknowingly killed a brāhmaṇa. Of course, even the injunctions of revealed scripture cannot dictate to You, the Lord of all mystic power. But if by Your own free will You nonetheless carry out the prescribed purification for this slaying of a brāhmaṇa, O purifier of the whole world, people in general will greatly benefit by Your example."

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