Canto 10: The Summum BonumChapter 88: Lord Śiva Saved from Vṛkāsura

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.88.20

tam āha cāńgālam alaḿ vṛṇīṣva me

yathābhikāmaḿ vitarāmi te varam

prīyeya toyena nṛṇāḿ prapadyatām

aho tvayātmā bhṛśam ardyate vṛthā


tamto him; āhahe (Lord Śiva) said; ca — and; ańga — my dear; alam alam — enough, enough; vṛṇīṣva — please choose a benediction; me — from me; yathā — howsoever; abhikāmam — you desire; vitarāmiI will bestow; teto you; varam — your chosen boon; prīyeyaI become pleased; toyena — with water; nṛṇām — from persons; prapadyatām — who approach me for shelter; aho — ah; tvayā — by you; ātmā — your body; bhṛśam — excessively; ardyate — tormented; vṛthāin vain.


Lord Śiva said to him: My friend, please stop, stop! Ask from me whatever you want, and I will bestow that boon upon you. Alas, you have subjected your body to great torment for no reason, since I am pleased with a simple offering of water from those who approach me for shelter.

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