Canto 10: The Summum BonumChapter 88: Lord Śiva Saved from Vṛkāsura

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.88.36

athāpatad bhinna-śirāḥ

vrajāhata iva kṣaṇāt

jaya-śabdo namaḥ-śabdaḥ

sādhu-śabdo 'bhavad divi


atha — then; apatathe fell down; bhinna — shattered; śirāḥ — his head; vraja — by a lightning bolt; āhataḥ — struck; ivaas if; kṣaṇātin a fraction of a second; jaya — "victory!"; śabdaḥ — the sound; namaḥ — "homage!"; śabdaḥ — the sound; sādhu — "well done!"; śabdaḥ — the sound; abhavat — happened; diviin the sky.


Instantly his head shattered as if struck by a lightning bolt, and the demon fell down dead. From the sky were heard cries of "Victory!" "Obeisances!" and "Well done!"

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