Canto 12: The Age of DeteriorationChapter 2: The Symptoms of Kali-yuga

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 12.2.43

tejo-'b-anna-mayaḿ kāyaḿ


mahīḿ mamatayā cobhau

hitvānte 'darśanaḿ gatāḥ


tejaḥ — fire; ap — water; anna — and earth; mayam — composed of; kāyam — this body; gṛhītvā — accepting; ātmatayā — with the sense of "I"; abudhāḥ — the unintelligent; mahīm — this earth; mamatayā — with the sense of "my"; ca — and; ubhau — both; hitvā — giving up; ante — ultimately; adarśanam — disappearance; gatāḥ — they have obtained.


Although the foolish accept the body made of earth, water and fire as "me" and this earth as "mine," in every case they have ultimately abandoned both their body and the earth and passed away into oblivion.


Although the soul is eternal, our so-called family tradition and earthly fame will certainly pass into oblivion.

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