Canto 12: The Age of DeteriorationChapter 3: The Bhūmi-gītā

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 12.3.19

santuṣṭāḥ karuṇā maitrāḥ

śāntā dāntās titikṣavaḥ

ātmārāmāḥ sama-dṛśaḥ

prāyaśaḥ śramaṇā janāḥ


santuṣṭāḥ — self-satisfied; karuṇāḥ — merciful; maitrāḥ — friendly; śāntāḥ — pacified; dāntāḥ — self-controlled; titikṣavaḥ — tolerant; ātma-ārāmāḥ — enthused from within; sama-dṛśaḥ — possessed of equal vision; prāyaśaḥ — for the most part; śramaṇāḥ — endeavoring diligently (for self-realization); janāḥ — the people.


The people of Satya-yuga are for the most part self-satisfied, merciful, friendly to all, peaceful, sober and tolerant. They take their pleasure from within, see all things equally and always endeavor diligently for spiritual perfection.


Sama-darśana, equal vision, is based on the perception of the Supreme Spirit behind all material variety and within all living entities.

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