Canto 2: The Cosmic ManifestationChapter 1: The First Step in God Realization

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 2.1.34

īśasya keśān vidur ambuvāhān

vāsas tu sandhyāḿ kuru-varya bhūmnaḥ

avyaktam āhur hṛdayaḿ manaś ca

sa candramāḥ sarva-vikāra-kośaḥ


īśasya — of the supreme controller; keśān — hairs on the head; viduḥ — you may know it from me; ambu-vāhān — the clouds which carry water; vāsaḥ tu — the dress; sandhyām — termination of day and night; kuru-varyaO best of the Kurus; bhūmnaḥ — of the Almighty; avyaktam — the prime cause of material creation; āhuḥit is said; hṛdayam — intelligence; manaḥ ca — and the mind; saḥHe; candramāḥ — the moon; sarva-vikāra-kośaḥ — the reservoir of all changes.


O best amongst the Kurus, the clouds which carry water are the hairs on His head, the terminations of days or nights are His dress, and the supreme cause of material creation is His intelligence. His mind is the moon, the reservoir of all changes.

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