Canto 2: The Cosmic ManifestationChapter 6: Puruṣa-sūkta Confirmed

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 2.6.30

tataś ca manavaḥ kāle

ījire ṛṣayo 'pare

pitaro vibudhā daityā

manuṣyāḥ kratubhir vibhum


tataḥ — thereafter; ca — also; manavaḥ — the Manus, the fathers of mankind; kālein due course of time; ījire — worshiped; ṛṣayaḥ — great sages; apare — others; pitaraḥ — the forefathers; vibudhāḥ — the learned scholars; daityāḥ — great devotees of the demigods; manuṣyāḥ — mankind; kratubhiḥ vibhum — by performance of sacrifices to please the Supreme Lord.


Thereafter, the Manus, the fathers of mankind, the great sages, the forefathers, the learned scholars, the Daityas and mankind performed sacrifices meant to please the Supreme Lord.


The daityas are devotees of the demigods because they want to derive the greatest possible material facilities from them. The devotees of the Lord are eka-niṣṭha, or absolutely attached to the devotional service of the Lord. Therefore they have practically no time to seek the benefits of material facilities. Because of their realization of their spiritual identity, they are more concerned with spiritual emancipation than with material comforts.

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